CATAPULT.body | the micro-forum


ABOUT the micro-forum

Imagine stepping out of survival mode. Imagine feeling like you’re not on your own. Imagine working without anxieties creeping up between projects. Imagine making decisions today while thinking of a decade from now - or even better - of the next generation. 

That’s sustainability. 

Between the magnitude of the crises we are enduring and the inherited practices and infrastructures of short-term thinking, it is crucial that we (re)investigate what sustainability of the dance sector could look like today. 

Yaraqa and British Council Lebanon have partnered up to create the micro-forum, a space for professionals in dance & movement + other industries (health, design, technology and more) to come together and challenge the practices & assumptions of moving forward during hard-to-predict times.


how did it all start?

The content of this micro-forum has been largely shaped by the input of the dance & movement professionals who participated in a study that aims to understand your needs and aspirations as a movement & dance professionals. (If you haven’t participated yet, we’d still love to hear from you before March 05)

what is CATAPULT.body?

The micro-forum is the first component of the CATAPULT.body program that is part of a larger pilot initiative launched by British Council Lebanon’s Arts and Culture department - CATAPULT - as a talent development program in partnership with pre-existing hubs in different creative sectors. [read more here]


when & where

The program spans 1.5 days, one day only online and the other only offline, in order to maximize the experience for both local and international professionals

DAY 1 / online  

open to a limited number of professionals actively working in dance & movement sector in Lebanon, UK, & beyond

  • Friday March 04, 2022 

  • 15:00 - 19:00 (GMT + 2)

  • on Airmeet social webinar platform  

DAY 2 / on-site

open ONLY to a limited number of professionals actively working in dance & movement sector in Lebanon

  • Saturday March 05, 2022 

  • 10:30 - 17:30 (GMT + 2)

  • at Mina Image Center, Beirut-Lebanon


more details about Mina Image Center


program at a glance

We invite you to take part in a thought-provoking program — of multifaceted debates and interactive sessions — to explore different perspectives and ask questions.

The program is highly interactive with an emphasis placed not only on information onboarding but also on active participation & sharing. Because we all do not need just another lecture event! / Placing a high emphasis on facilitation & on a selection of speakers and guests coming from different industries and regions around the world.

Day 1 / Online - March 04, 2022  - 15:00 - 19:00 (GMT + 2)

  • How can we even catapult ourselves into the future when the current circumstances and systems are the farthest away from enabling sustainability in the first place?

    [ debate / 1 hour ]

  • Can we find unexpected alliances in other industries that can translate into new projects, relationships, and opportunities?

    [ panel discussions + working sessions / 1.5hours ]

  • To wrap up day 1, we end with a brief albeit highly saturated inspirational lecture that integrates the experience thus far with a mix of hopeful outlooks of the future and realistic examples of how to achieve them.

    [ lecture / 15min ]

Day 2 / On-site - March 05, 2022  - 10:30 - 17:00 (GMT + 2)

  • Can we find new partnerships in mapping out our own ecosystems that can yield into income sharing, resource sharing, and support sharing?

    [ lectures + working session / 2 hours ]

  • Can we find by embedding our work in a larger context, a repositioning of our sphere of influence?

    [ lecture + presentations / 2 hours ]

  • How do we redraw the roadmap forward in a way that makes us less indispensable?

    [ presentation + working session / 1.5hours ]

*We will be updating programming as we get closer to the event date. Make sure to check back often



Everything in CATAPULT.body begins and ends with dance & movement professionals based in Lebanon and those who have left over the recent years.

The Catapult.Body | the micro-forum is free of charge with a limited capacity of 40 professionals in Lebanon & 20 international.

In order to ensure the participatory experience of this program is optimized for everyone involved, we are looking into forming a diverse group of professionals with diverse backgrounds (from performers, choreographers, educators, & producers) to diverse genres (hip hop, ballet, contemporary, folklore, etc.) and diverse level of expertise (student, emerging, established, …)

Please fill out the form for registration below and we will get back to you to confirm your seat*

  • deadline: Friday 25 February, 2022

  • confirmation date: Monday 28 February 2022



whatsapp or call: +961 79 316 726 | email: