yaraqa empowers

// individuals, groups, teams, conferences, retreats, self-care, capacity building, team bonding, workshops //

Our method is accessible, sustainable, and wholehearted as we assist people in shifting their way of living and working.

We have designed and produced diverse off-the-shelf products as well as commissioned projects with a number of local & international creative and dance experts. 


some of our products:


(re)imagine the future
 | workshop

A new concept revolving around the combination of installations and reimagining workshops that use movement & dance, writing & reflection, embodiment & production to engage each and every participant in novel creative exercises and experiences.

// creative movement, workshop, cross-industry //


move it | workshop

These series of creative movement workshops empower participants to adopt sustainable mind-body practices at the workplace. Gleaned from mindfulness techniques, African & contemporary dance, and Capoeira, we share tools to relieve mental fatigue, release physical tension, and improve mental processes.

// creative movement, wellbeing, workshop, workplace //


two step fore | dance evenings

A series of dance-led evenings to simply move, discover, have a laugh, and connect.

// dance, evening, presentations //